Friday, 12 June 2015

Cycle Challenge at Ivanhoe

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Well done you represented the school brilliantly at the Ivanhoe cycle challenge!

Friday, 1 May 2015

Well done to our amazing swimming team!!!

Ready to leave for the swimming competition at King Edwards High School.

Albert  Village swimming team participated in individual and relay events, in which they were mostly placed first or second. We are awaiting final timings and results as twenty schools have entered over the past week.

You all represented Albert Village Primary brilliantly - well done!

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Wow - we are so proud of you all!

Representing North West Leicestershire  our under 7s and under 9s gymnastics teams came 2nd in the  Leicestershire and Rutland County gymnastic championships.

They represented our school with dignity and pride with many comments from the judges and adults saying what excellent role models they were!

Thank you to Mrs Machin and Mrs Jenkin for working so hard with the girls and to the parents for all their support!

Friday, 27 March 2015

What a performance!!!

Year 3 & Year 4 Children impressed us all with their magnificent performances of 'Time Lord', Well done to all the children and teachers, it was brilliant!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Our pupils helping the commnuity!

A big well done to Tristan, Isabella and Bradley from Blue John for sensibly and kindly helping a member of the community that they know to find their cat. Fantastic!

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Well done Ryan!

A huge well done to Ryan Lord who is the winner of the design  a cover for the performance programme competition. We hope everyone enjoys the show! A great design Ryan!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Another Extremely Successful night for our Gymnasts!

A big well done to the children that represented us at Coalville Gymnastics Club.

Tonight more medals and trophies have been won and another of our teams has been asked to represent NW Leics at county level.

More details will follow in our next school newsletter.

What a fantastic gymnastic squad we have!

Well done to all of the children and staff involved and thank you parents for your wonderful support!

You have done yourselves and the school proud!

Parliamentary Flag Design Winners!

2015 marks the 750th anniversary of the Montfort Parliament, where elected representatives of the shires and boroughs came together for the first time. 

To mark this important year, the 2015 Flag Project invited Primary school students (ages 7-11) across the UK to design a flag to represent their constituency. 

Well done to Tristan, Lochlan, Lisa and Milli from Year 5 who designed our winning entry.  They chose the war memorial as they felt it was the centre of Albert Village. The colours were to represent nature; the National Forest lake, sun and also for remembrance.

You can see our entry in the special online exhibition by selecting NW Leicestershire using the following link: 

A selection of these flags will also be sewn and flown at special events during the spring and summer of 2015. Fingers crossed for our design! 

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Gymnasts do us proud!

A huge well done to the children that represented us at Coalville Gymnastics Club tonight.

They have won the Key Steps 1 Competition for both the Under 7 and Under 9 Team Events. Awesome!

The children performed and behaved brilliantly, displaying impressively high levels of skills and super sporting, professional attitudes too.

Well done also to the staff that have helped, Mrs Machin, Miss Mapp, Mrs Solomon and Mrs Parker, along with former pupil Kristin.

A big thank you to the parents for your help and support too.

Very proud!

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Well done to the Albert Village Runners!

A huge well done to all of the children that represented the school at cross country this morning. There was lovely team spirit! It was so muddy that finishing with both shoes still on your feet was an achievement in itself! You all did brilliantly!

Thanks to the parents also for their support and a huge thank you to Mrs Solomon and Mrs Parker who do such a fantastic job at organising  it.

A muddy but enjoyable morning!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Blue John against Cyber bullying!

Well done to all of Blue John. You worked together extremely responsibly and maturely during a session on cyber bullying. Great!

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Hard work in handwriting!

Well done to Bradley and Lucas in Topaz who have been working exceptionally hard on their handwriting. Super! They were working so hard that their hands hurt......but they told me proudly that they kept going! Great determination and resilience to achieve high standards guys!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Super Story Jamie!

Well done to Jamie from Topaz who has worked hard to produce a wonderful story about the rainforest. I really enjoyed listening to it and was very impressed by the high standard of his work.

Well done Jake

A huge well done to Jake in Topaz who has written a poem that has entertained us all. We look forward to reading your next ones Jake!

Fantastic Francesca!

Well done Francesca. She has written a wonderful story to enter into the BBC Radio 2 competition '500 Words' in her own time. Good luck with your entry Francesca!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Well done Izzy!

Well done Izzy. She has written a wonderful story to enter into the BBC Radio 2 competition '500 Words' in her own time. Good luck with your entry Izzy!

Super Handwriting!

A big well done to the Amethyst class. They are putting in lots of effort to achieve high standards in their handwriting sessions. Keep up the super work!

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Read it All!

Here are two of Reading Champions who have changed the words to 'Shake it Off ' by Taylor Swift to encourage everyone to dive into a book!

Well done to Mia and Connie from the Pearl class.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015


A big thank you and well done to three extremely helpful children from Blue John: Tristan, Isabella and Bradley. If someone needed a hand, these children were there to lend one! Awesome!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Lunchtime Superheroes!

A huge well done to Bradley, Kian and Zane from Blue John who helped somebody who was feeling sad to 'turn their frown upside down!'

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Well done Riley!

A big well done to Riley from the Jet class for both excellent behaviour and work. Superb!